Monday, November 15, 2010

I think the comments dissapeared...

Some of you all commented on my posts, I think I accidentally deleted them.... LOL. So if you want me to post them again, just re-write the comment on whatever it was and I'll be sure to post it with a really big apology XD This is what happens when you deprive me of sleep haha :) Oh well, I'll just get some extra strong coffee :) ah, sweet lifeblood, mine Achilles heel :) Or rather Achilles tastebuds...

Sunday, November 14, 2010


(Palabras means Words in spanish)
I know how to talk, I know all my letters, I have a big mouth and I know how to use it.
I've learned to hold my peace, learned the hard meaning of silence, lost this voice many times and have still kept on writing.
All these words mean something, until they're used too much. Then the cease to matter at all. Until someone really needs them.

Do the syllables of our soliloquies mean anything more than filling empty air?